Lucas Hirsch Artists Exhibitions Fairs
Lukas Müller
Lukas Müller*1986, Kassellives and works in Berlin
Danke imagination Appartement works, Lucas Hirsch, Düsseldorf
S***, You Got Insurance, LFDY x Lucas Hirsch, London
Der Bücherwurm, Lucas Hirsch, Düsseldorf (with HC)
Good Morning Have a Nice Day, Lucas Hirsch, Düsseldorf
Die Nostalgische Serie, Haus am Wehrsteg, Heidelberg (with Julian Kirchner)
Lukas Müller | Sagg Napoli, Lady Helen, London
Eclipse of the Thumb, Flamingo, Berlin
Damien & The Love Guru, Brussels (with HC)
Dear Hanna, Lucas Hirsch, Düsseldorf
Die Lange Weile, Lucas Hirsch, Düsseldorf (with HC)
Biblioteca Dracula, Panorama Boavista, Porto
Alle Pizze fast rund, Bob's Pogo Bar, KW, Kunstwerke Berlin (with HC)
Charge, Coalmine, Winterthur
Lucas Hirsch, Düsseldorf
Intervention by HC, Kunstsaele, Berlin (with HC)
Collages, Rotary Club, Strasbourg
Genre.Li, Schaufenster Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf (with Genre)
Peter Mertes Stipendium, Bonner Kunstverein, Bonn
group (selection)
Against Nature, Neue Alte Brücke, Frankfurt am Main (curated by Alex Thake)
An manchen Tagen ist die Welt einfach zu klein für mich., by Thea Manthwill & Björn Knapp, Raum für Kunst, Düsseldorf
Müller Moeller Walter, Loggia, Vienna
A Window, a floor, credit cards, a bench, Emalin, London
Letters of last resort, Damien & The Love Guru, Brussels
Friend of a Friend, Dawid Radziszewski, Warsaw
The State We Are In. Collection of the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, Galeria Labirynt, Lublin
A routine trip turns into an enchanting escapade, Marc LeBlanc, Chicago
To eggs and other shells, Thomas Fischer, Berlin (with HC)
Okey Dokey, with Lomex and Stereo, Lucas Hirsch, Düsseldorf
Skip Tracer, Marc LeBlanc, Chicago
To lie in the cheese, to smile in the butter, Kunstsaele Berlin (with HC)
microcelebrities2,, Brussels
Grand Café, Apes & Castles, Brussels (with HC)
German-French Art Prize, Paul Clemen Museum, Bonn
Intermarket, Ausstellungsraum Klingental, Basel
Impersonations, Bruch & Dallas, Cologne
Deutsch-Französischer Kunstpreis, Rotary Strasbourg and Bonn
Peter-Mertes-Stipendium, Bonner Kunstverein, Bonn
Frieze, Review by Moritz Scheper, January 2019